Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back in the Saddle

It has been a while but I'm back and a few things have changed. My partner and I are engaged. We are planning our Septembet 5th wedding in Monterey CA. 
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We both left the classroom to be administrators and currently hold positions as Deans for our respective charter schools. We also started dancing hula and have become emerged in Polynesian culture. For more about that, check out my other blog, Li'ula Island Home.

What I've learned from my recent experiences and life changes? I learned that my life continues to become more and more full. I remember coming home after working and knowing that there were so many things that I wanted to do but "didn't have the time or the energy". My life used to consist of work, home, TV, cook dinner, eat dinner, dishes, and bed time. Day in and day out. Now, I don't have more time, I just intentionally schedule my time outside of work. Even when I feel tired, I still drag my butt to dance class. When I leave class, I feel accomplished and full of joy and sometimes, even more energized.  If I could go back 8 years send give myself some advice, I would say, "girl you can sleep when you are dead! All of those things you wish you were doing, go try it out. Make time to do the things you love and intentionally plan quality time with your partner."

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