Thursday, January 5, 2012

Gluten Free French Toast

My partner has a gluten allergy so I have been challenged to learn some flavorful ways to whip up what could characteristically be considered bland gluten free products into some tasty meals.

This morning I made ginger snap encrusted french toast with caramelized apples.

Gluten Free Bread (Trader Joe's)
Ginger Snap Cookies-Gluten Free (Trader Joe's)

Frankie Mae

2) Signs from Nature-ism

My Grandpa Frank was really quite a guy and he always took a lot of heat from the family for some of his "isms".  He believed deep down in his soul in the things he told us and lived by them daily.  Looking at the beautifully clear sky here in Oakland today, this gem came to mind.  My Grandpa Frank used to say when the cows in the valley were seen laying down, "looks like good fishin' ".  If he could see Mount St. Helens he would say assure us, "not gonna rain".  On both accounts, I'm pretty sure he was probably right every single time.  You just have to love him for that kind of logic.  I know I do.

Enjoy the day,

Frankie Mae

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Time to Craft and Cook

When I have long breaks like this from teaching, I like to do two things.  As a teacher, learning to craft something new is always fun and cooking is my relaxation tool.  Here are two of the things I have done in this final week of my break.  Sometimes, I'm such a girl!

T-shirt Scarf done in less than an hour.

Gluten Free Cooking- Quinoa and Squash with Grilled Rolled and Stuffed Flank Steak

If you want recipes or directions on either of these two, comment this post and I'll get back to you.

Frankie Mae